
Friday, February 13, 2015

Dissertation, birthday and life

I finally handed in my dissertation at the begininng of the month. I was fairly happy with it, also since my subject about fairy tales and Disney was very entertaining. I would have loved to rest it for a week though and then look at it again, I also know that I lack the proper academic writing style. But it's out of the way and I can breathe again. 

I had my birthday in the 11th. Strange to celebrate it away from home and away from my family. I miss them. But I got some great birthday presents, including special packages from Iceland with Don Rosa books (love) and a lot of Icelandic candy, love and music. 

I'm trying to get into the mood again to do my final projects drawings but it's going slow. All of a sudden all I want to do is watercolour, draw outsite and hike through the english mountainsides. I think it's because it feels like spring here even though it's February, everything is still covered in snow back home so I kind of feel like it's May. 

I did draw another little fairy tale image, nothing with any proper thought in it, and kind of a cliché but that seems to be my thing. Which reminds me I always inteded to buy this great t-shirt that says "Cliche as Hell" with wonderful ravens and flowers all around. 

That's it for now. Below is my amazingly gothic, vampire, something Snow White. But I still rather like the colour pallette and the background. 

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