
Friday, May 15, 2015

A year soon coming to an end

The time has moved quite fast since I moved to the UK. I feel like this year is 6 months long at the most. I just handed in the first part of my Final Project in today and all that is left is a presentation of my work, some tweaking, printing and setting up the University Degree Show. 

I feel really strange that this year is almost over, stil I won't be back home in Iceland until sometime in August. There are however a few things to still look forward to here in the UK. I have been picked as one of the students to go to the London New Designers Show in July to showcase my final project. I don't really think my images are good enough, I still have a little way to go before I get really comfortable with digital art, but I'm very glad I was picked and look forward to get to see such a big show! 

Shortly after that I will also be going to China (Shanghai area) for two weeks with my university. I don't look forward to the long flight but I am very excited to go to Asia for the first time! I'm sure it will be very interesting and I hope I'll be able to learn a lot about the culture there (and hopefully do some sketching). 

When I get home I need to go back to my old job (ugh) since I will need to monies! But hopefully I'll also be able to build a good portfolio and get some art related jobs soon. 

Oh well, no point worrying about the future, I have way to much to do in the present. For example sleep! :)