
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Christmas Madness

Well then.

Been a while. 

This Christmas turned out being a bit different that I expected. I went home a few days before and all was good but then on the day before Christmas which we in Iceland call "Þorláksmessa" not sure if anyone else does, my mom slipped on the hard ice and broke her leg. Or ankle it is supposedly. So, I ended up being quite busy with tending the home, cooking Christmas dinner for the first time, for New Year as well, and attending to guests and so on. Not that I'm complaining, I just ended up doing much less schoolwork that I anticipated. 

After being in this role now for three weeks I find it kind of strange that I''ll be going back to the UK. It's not too long until I have to hand in my dissertation. *gulp* 

But I did quite a few screen print tote bags and prints that I gave as gifts for the holidays. They were very well received so I might make more if I can find any spare time when I get back. I would also love to make some t-shirts and such. The poor fine art department won't be able to get rid of me.

Also....I am pretty sure that my student loan won't cover my expenses for this semester, since it's quite a bit longer than the other one. I won't be home until June or July. I really don't want to find a job while I'm studying but I might have to, I have always had to work with school until now but I was hoping I could focus all my energy on drawing. *sigh* such is life. 

Below is a very blurry picture of some of the tote bags and prints. (my phone is not very good at focusing)

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